Page 382 - BenchMark_6-1
P. 382

Reading Skill: Sequencing                                                                                    Sequencing involves putting the events in a passage
                                                                                                                   in the correct order. Readers can understand the
                                                                                                                   passage better when they know which events
                                                                                                                   happened before or after others.
      Complete the sentences and number them in the correct order.

                                                                 A Day in the Life of the Ski Patrol

      3      Has a meeting at the patrol hut and discusses the weather and other things that might
                affect skiers and snowboarders                                  that day

      4      Takes the chairlift                        up the mountain                            and gets to work

      1      Gets up before 5 a.m.

      6      Heads back to the patrol hut and                                       takes care of business                           after removing all avalanche

      2      Opens his computer and studies                                               the weather                          .

      5      Searches for snow cornices and snow cones and removes them  for the safety of skiers                                                                                         ,
               and snowboarders                     , sometimes with                                     explosives                             .

                  explosives             takes care of business             affect skiers and snowboarders

                  the weather           up the mountain                    for the safety of skiers and snowboarders

                                                                                                                          Unit 10 | On the Job with the Ski Patrol
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