Page 405 - BenchMark_6-1
P. 405

Nature in Focus

                                                                            Nature photographers often spend

                                                                      long hours observing plants and animals

                                                                      they wish to photograph. After all,

                                                                      there’s no way to know exactly when a

              ▲     The photographer got                              frog might use its tongue to catch a

                    there just in time to

                    catch this Venus flytrap                          tasty fly. So photographers must wait
                    getting some dinner.                                               adv. in a way that shows that you are able to wait for a long time; with patience
                                                                      quietly and patiently for the right

                                                                      moment to take photos.

                       What do nature photographers often spend a lot of time doing?

                       They often spend a lot of time observing plants and animals they wish to hotograph.
                                                                                                                                                   Unit 11 | Nature in Focus
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