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UNIT Post-it Notes Point 포스트잇이 탄생할 수 있었던 계기는? 생활의 불편을 편리함으로 바꾸기 위
포스트잇의 탄생
Part 1 Part 2
Topic Discussion General Discussion
Goods and Shopping
1. How were Post-it notes invented? 1. Imagine that you have a magic wallet
which gives you 100 million won every
week. If you weren’t allowed to save
that money, what would you do with
that money?
Read & Discuss
Art Fry was annoyed. He needed some good bookmarks for his
hymnbook. The small pieces of paper he was using kept falling to the church 2. What is convenient about Post-it notes? 2. Do you compare prices before you go
shopping? Does it take you long to
Why have they been one of the best-
floor while he sang in the choir. Meanwhile, Spencer Silver had a dilemma — how selling office products in the world for decide which items to buy?
to use his newly invented glue. The glue was only strong enough to hold papers 25 years?
together. Interestingly, however, you could separate the papers again easily without
tearing them. But who would want such weak glue?
One day, the two men met each other at a business meeting. As they talked, Art
found a solution to his problem, and Spencer found a use for his glue: The Post-it note 3. Can you think of other kinds of 3. What are the things that you keep
was born. As they both worked at the same office products company, they decided stationery that are as innovative as the buying? Is there any way that you can
to show their invention to their boss. He eventually agreed to manufacture their new Post-it? In what ways are they useful? not spend money on them?
At first, the boss didn’t believe that such a product would ever be successful. But
Art’s and Spencer’s co-workers loved the new bookmarks and kept asking for more.
Customers soon did the same. Over 25 years later, Post-it notes are still one of the 4. If you could invent a new stationery 4. What item do you feel the most
bestselling office products in the world. item, what would you like to invent? uncomfortable shopping for or using?
It’s hard to imagine a world without Post-it notes. We see these brightly colored pieces Do you want to make any suggestions
to the manufacturers or retailers you
of paper stuck everywhere in schools and offices. But without Art’s and Spencer’s,
buy it from?
Post-it notes would never have been invented. Office workers and students all over
the world are very happy the two men met.
12 Speaking EX Business & Economy 13
speaking EX_001_BE.indd 12-13 9/27/08 7:07:24 PM