Page 32 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 32
Lesson 8
Sleeping Habits
I haven’t had a good night sleep since
I married my husband, Ted. He plagues me
with a plethora of sleeping disorder. He
snores like a tractor, sleepwalks like a
zombie, gnashes his teeth like a cannibal,
and talks in his sleep like hyena. It is
driving me nuts! He has consulted a
horde of specialists but it was ineffective. I
suggested that we sleep in separate rooms,
but he intensely refused, saying that it’s just
not right for married couples to take separate bunkers. He left me no choice but
to bear with it. I read in a journal that many couples divorce legitimately due to
one’s sleeping disorder. Should I be another one of these many?
1. What is “sleeping disorder”?
2. What kind of sleeping habits does Ted have?
3. What does Ted’s wife suggest to him?
1. What kind of sleeping habits do you have?
2. How many hours do you sleep?
3. Do you think sleep helps relieve your stress?
4. How do you feel when you sleep about three or four
hours a day? Tell me what some changes are when
you have less sleeping hours.