Page 4 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 4
Lesson 1
My professor insisted us to read
Shakespeare’s major work as a require-
ment. I felt that it was pointless. Because, first,
Mr. Shakespeare writes so obscurely that it
takes away the interest of reading. Second,
I suppose he isn’t that relevant anymore in
this century. Shakespeare is an anachronism.
I suggested to my professor that instead of
old tedious Shakespeare’s work, we should
read the contemporary writers, like Stephen King or some such popular writ-
ers who speak modern language and present the same themes of love and
death in more interesting and familiar manner.
Then, all of a sudden, my professor quipped that if angels could speak,
they all would speak like Shakespeare. As I countered that literature was
supposed to be appealing without torture, he got steamed and doubled my
homework. It is necessary for the professors to revise the curriculum so as to
include more of the modern writers and less of the ancient authors whom my
ancestors labored over to pass their literature classes.
1. According to the paragraph, how is Shakespeare evaluated at present?
2. Who is mentioned as a contemporary writer?
3. What does anachronism mean?
1. Do you like to read books? Why or why not?
2. What is the best book you’ve read so far?
3. Tell me about the best story you’ve read.
4. Who is your favorite writer? Why do you like this