Page 49 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 49
Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. My wife is fanatical when it comes to shopping.
A. over- enthusiastic B. overly emotional C. overacting
2. She is a shopaholic indeed.
A. A person who B. A person who C. A person who
shops compulsively shops seldom never shops
3. Her character puzzles me. Sometimes, it becomes annoying.
A. informs B. enlightens C. confuses
4. Kelly is good at budgeting, but when it comes to shopping, she
splurges in buying everything.
A. to spend money more than one can usually afford
B. to spend money wisely
C. to spend money sensibly
5. Sometimes, she wants to haggle with the vendors just to have
A. to argue especially in bargaining something
B. to agree on terms
C. to be on the same mind with somebody else.
Spot the wrong word in the sentence and write the correct one.
1. We need to think rational to come up with a right decision.
2. Don’t get intimidation.
3. Some juvenile delinquents often harasses their fellow youth.
4. I go there yesterday.
5. You need to think sensible.