Page 8 - New_TEN_English-3
P. 8

Skill 24-A     How much is the late fee?

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.
                                                                                  알맞은 표현으로 대화를 완성해 보세요.

                                                                                       •How many      •How often      •How much

                                                                                  1. A:             are in your party?
                                                                                    B: Table for four, please.

                                                                                  2. A:             money do you need to buy an MP3 player ?
                                                                                    B: I need a million won.

                                                                                  3. A:             do you check your email?
                                                                                    B: Twice a day.
          1. A: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
           B: I’m an only child. I have a lot of cousins, though.
                                                                                  B. Your friend Ally is inviting you for a hiking trip with her friends. You wanted to ask more
                                                                                  information about it. Complete the dialogue and use the expressions from the lesson. Use the
          2. A: I forgot to return the DVD. How much is the late fee?
                                                                                  clues in parentheses to create your questions.
           B: Well, it depends on if it’s a new movie or not.
                                                                                  문장을 완성하고 선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.
          3. A: How often should I water this plant?                               A: Hey, Mark! I’ll go hiking with my friends on Saturday? Do you want to join us?
           B: Once a week.
                                                                                   B: That sounds fun! ________________________? (number of people to join the trip)
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.               A: There’ll be seven of us in total.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                   B: I have to double check my schedule if I’m free. ________________________?
                                                                                     (frequency of them going on a hike)

                                                                                   A: Well, we do this once a month. So if you’re not free, you can join us next time.
                                                                                   B: Oh, nice! And just in case, ________________________?
                                                                                     (possible expenses for the hike)

              [Number]                            •How many…?                      A: It’s not very expensive, don’t worry!
              [Quantity]        •How much…?                                        B: Alright. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for inviting me.
              [Frequency]       •How often…?
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13