Page 43 - SB_G2.3_M5-6_Flip
P. 43

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                     Some children with polio                                  President Franklin D. Roosevelt had
                     learn to walk with braces                                 polio. He could not walk. Today
                     and crutches.                                             polio is very rare. People can get

                                                                               shots so they do not get polio.


                                      At age four, Wilma was very sick. She got better. But, her

                               mother was still worried. Something was wrong with her left

                               leg and foot. The doctor said Wilma had polio (POH-lee-oh).
                                      The doctor said Wilma would never walk. Wilma could

                               not walk for two years. Her brothers and sisters helped her by

                               exercising her left foot and leg.

                                      Wilma wore a brace on her leg. She could not play games

                               and sports at school. She watched the other kids play. She

                               wanted to be like them.

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