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               DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
                                            Great Leaders ......................................................... 58

                                            OPINION WRITING
                  Hello! I’m W. E. B. Du Bois!  Hi! I’m Abigail Adams!

                  Great Leaders                 On My Own
                    The school newspaper asked two students to write their
                    opinions about a great leader in history. Olivia chose
                    Abigail Adams. Anthony chose W. E. B. Du Bois. Read   Kids for President! ................................................ 72
                    both essays. What makes each person a great leader?
               2re_se_m5_greatleader.indd   59  12/5/2017   10:38:05 AM
               DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
                    WHO ARE                 Who Are Government’s
                    WHO ARE
                                            Leaders? .......................................................................... 76
                            by Jennifer Boothroyd
                                            by Jennifer Boothroyd

                                            INFORMATIONAL TEXT

               2re_se_m5_government.indd   77  12/5/2017   10:15:20 AM
                                                On My Own
                                                Learn First! Then Vote! ..................................... 86

               DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”
                                            Thomas Edison and the

                          THOMAS            Light Bulb ...................................................................... 90
                           AND THE          by StoryBots
                          LIGHT BULB
                            by StoryBots    MEDIA: VIDEO
               2re_se_m5_edisonand.indd   91  12/5/2017   10:35:20 AM

                                            Let’s Wrap Up! ........................................................ 94

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