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Hello! I’m W. E. B. Du Bois! Hi! I’m Abigail Adams!
Great Leaders
The school newspaper asked two students to write their
opinions about a great leader in history. Olivia chose
Abigail Adams. Anthony chose W. E. B. Du Bois. Read
both essays. What makes each person a great leader?
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Use details from Great Leaders to answer these questions with
a partner.
1. Evaluate What are the most important details to remember
about Abigail Adams and W. E. B. Du Bois? Look for clues in
the text and pictures to help you decide.
2. Find two facts and two opinions about Abigail Adams. Then
find two facts and two opinions about W. E. B. Du Bois. How
do the opinions help you get to know the authors?
3. Why did the authors write these texts? What do they want to
persuade you to think?
Talking Tip
Use your own words to explain details from the
text. Complete the sentence below.
I read that .