Page 34 - PowerE-L04-C
P. 34
Lesson 8
Fill in the blank with the correct punctuation mark for the
1. Why do you think some couples adopt __
a. period ( . )
b. exclamation point ( ! )
c. question mark ( ? )
2. A child__s parent should take care of him or her.
a. comma ( , )
b. apostrophe ( ‘ )
c. quotation mark ( “ )
Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that
answers the question.
3. If you were to adopt, would it be a boy or a girl?
would, I, girl, adopt, a
4. Are adoptions common in Korea?
adoptions, are, yes, in, common, Korea
5. Do you think animal adoption is also good?
I, think, yes, adoption, is, animal, good