Page 6 - PowerE-L04-C
P. 6
Lesson 1
Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that
answers the question.
1. Do you like a mama’s boy?
do, mama’s, I, not, a, boy, like
2. Do you think a mama’s boy can succeed?
think, I, he, still, succeed, can
Choose the sentence that means the same expression.
3. He is mama’s boy.
A. He is so attached to his mom.
B. He has a living mom.
C. He is an only son.
4. He is a dutiful son.
A. He has so many duties to do.
B. He fulfills his obligations.
C. He is an only son.
5. I don’t like his attitude.
A. I don’t like the way he acts.
B. I don’t like the way he feels.
C. I don’t like the way he works.