Page 10 - PowerE-L02-B
P. 10
Lesson 2
Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that an-
swers the question.
1. What do you do to get rid of the cold?
take, usually, I, a, medicine
2. How often do you take a medicine?
take, medicine, I, a, every, hours, six
3. What do you feel when you have colds?
I, not, well, feel, do
Choose the best answer to the question.
4. Why do you hate the cold weather?
A. I don’t love the cold weather.
B. I use sweaters and mufflers.
C. I catch a cold during the cold weather.
5. What do you feel when you have a cold?
A. I don’t feel well.
B. I always sleep.
C. I eat warm soup.