Page 20 - PowerE-L02-B
P. 20
Lesson 5
Pocket money
My wife only gives me 300.000 won a month.
I usually spend pocket money on bus fares
and lunch.
It is not enough money to spend all my
expenses in a month.
I want my wife to give me more pocket
* How often do the buses run? 배차 간격이 어떻게 되나요?
► What’s the interval between buses?
► How long is the wait for the next bus?
* Where is the bus stop? 버스 정류장이 어디입니까?
► Where do the buses stop?
► Where can I find the bus stop?
1. Do you take monthly allowance?
2. Who gives you your allowance?
3. How much do you get?
4. What do you usually spend your pocket money on?
5. Do you save your pocket money? Why or why not?
Vocabulary & Expressions
pocket money : 용돈
Sample Answer (= allowance)
expense : 지출, 비용
1. Yes, I do. interval : 간격
2. My mom gives me pocket money.
3. I got one hundred dollars a month.
4. I usually spend it on snacks and coffee.
5. No, I don’t because it’s not enough to save it.