Page 32 - PowerE-L02-B
P. 32
Lesson 8
School life
I want to study in the library today.
This dorm is only for women.
I hope to pass this semester.
I’d like to know about the schools in England.
* This dorm is only for women. 이 기숙사는 여학생 전용이에요.
► This dorm is only available to women.
► This dorm is for women only.
* I’d like to know about the schools in England. 영국에 있는 대학에 대해 알고 싶어요.
► I’d like some information on the schools in England.
► Can I get some information on the schools in England?
1. Have you ever lived in a dorm?
2. Are you a college student? If not, when did you graduate from college
or the university?
3. What was your major when you were in the university?
4. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? Why or why not?
5. What memories do you have about your school life?
Sample Answer
1. No, I haven’t.
2. No, I’m not a student. I graduated from the university in 1999.
3. My major was Economics.
4. Yes, I’ve thought of studying in America to study English.
5. The most memorable time in my school life was
when I traveled Europe with my best friend for Vocabulary & Expressions
40 days. It was a very exciting, and precious time. dorm : 기숙사 (= dormitory)
semester : 한 학기
precious : 귀중한
coed : 남녀공학의