Page 40 - PowerE-L02-B
P. 40
Lesson 10
I went to the bookstore with my
classmate yesterday.
We bought some novels and magazines.
I sometimes spend over 2 hours reading
books in the bookstore.
In the bookstore, the best-seller
section always catches my eyes first.
* It’s the current best-seller. 요즘 베스트 셀러예요.
► It’s on the best-sellers’ list.
* How often is this magazine issued? 이 잡지는 얼마 만에 한 번 나오나요?
► How often is this magazine printed?
► How often is the publication?
1. How often do you go to the bookstore?
2. What kind of books do you usually buy?
3. Is there a particular magazine you like to read?
4. How many books do you read in a year?
5. What kind of books are you interested in these days?
Sample Answer
1. I go to the bookstore at least once a month.
2. I usually buy traveling guide books. Vocabulary & Expressions
3. Not really. I usually like to read magazines just
for fun so anything is good for me. issue : 출판되다
publication : 출판, 발행
4. I think I read less than 10 books in a year.
5. I’m interested in cooking books these days.