Page 57 - PowerE-L02-B
P. 57
Choose the right word to complete the sentence.
1. I can’t see well. I see ____ images.
A. clear B. pretty C. blurry
2. I can’t see things from a ____ distance.
A. far B. fir C. fur
3. My ____ is a bit blurry.
A. feeling B. mission C. vision
4. I wear ____ for my eyes.
A. glasses B. classes C. gases
5. I have ____ eyes.
A. weak B. leak C. beak
Fill in the blank with the correct word.
1. I can’t see things ____.
A. clear B. cleared C. clearly
2. Images are blurry ____ a far distance.
A. from B. to C. in
3. I want my eyes ____.
A. check B. checked C. checks
4. Father wears ____ glasses everyday.
A. his B. her C. its
5. The images are ____.
A. blur B. blurry C. blurriness