Page 187 - BenchMark_6-2
P. 187

Reading Skill: Cause and Effect                                                                                            Cause and effect is an organizational skill that helps readers
                                                                                                                                 understand the relationships between events. The cause is
                                                                                                                                 the reason why something happens, and the effect is what
                                                                                                                                 happens as a result. Words like because and since usually
                                                                                                                                 indicate a cause while so and therefore often precede effects.
      Complete the causes and the effects with the correct phrases.

             Causes                                                                                                                                                      Effects

      Laurie Wolff refused to                                dissect an                   .

      earthworm               in her science class.                                                    She received a C in science.

                                                                                                       Students in Las Vegas can decide to  dissect                                         .
      Laurie Wolff                   organized a petition                          and                    real or virtual animals                       as the rules were

      submitted it to the school board.

      Students in other states opposed having to                                                       Students can choose to dissect virtual

      dissect real animals.                                                                            animals by                 using dissection software                            .

      Many schools around the country have                                                             Students can learn about animal body parts

                virtual dissection labs                             .                                      without hurting any animals                                .

            using dissection software            dissect an earthworm                    dissect real or virtual animals

            virtual dissection labs                  without hurting any animals          organized a petition

                                                                                                                                            Unit 5 | Say No to Dissection
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