Page 109 - G5.1_M1-5
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                                                                                                                              BY KENNETH OPPEL
                                                                                                                           ILLUSTRATED BY ANTONIO JAVIER CAPARO
                             Collaborative Discussion

                             Look back at what you wrote on page 88 and talk with a partner
                             about what you learned during reading.  Then work with a group to                                                89
                             discuss the questions below. Look for details in Airborn to support

                             your answers. Think about ways to connect your ideas to what other
                             group members say.

                               1  Reread pages 92–94. What do you learn about the narrator, Matt,
                                  based on his reactions to Benjamin Malloy’s journal?

                                                                                                                Listening Tip

                                                                                                                Listen to the ideas and
                                                                                                                details each speaker
                                                                                                                shares. What new
                                                                                                                information can you

                               2  Review pages 94–96. What does Matt discover about the creatures               add?
                                  from looking at Benjamin Malloy’s drawings?

                                                                                                                Speaking Tip

                                                                                                                Think about how
                                                                                                                other speakers’ ideas
                                                                                                                are related to your
                               3  In what ways are the last entries in Benjamin Molloy’s journal

                                  different from those at the beginning?                                        own. Ask questions
                                                                                                                to be sure you
                                                                                                                understand their

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