Page 173 - G5.1_M1-5
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REVISE AND EDIT Review your draft.
Take a fresh look at your draft to see how you can improve it. Work with a small group
of classmates to review each other’s work and give helpful feedback. Use these
questions to help you evaluate and improve your story.
Does my story
Is there a clear
Did I use
Did I use
Have I spelled all
clearly establish a beginning, dialogue and transition words words correctly?
setting and middle, and description like to show how
characters? ending? the texts in the events are
Did I punctuate
module do? connected? dialogue
Do the characters
Is the sequence correctly?
face and resolve of events easy to
a conflict? follow?
Does the ending
make sense with
the events that
come before it?
PUBLISH Share your work.
Create a Finished Copy. Use your best cursive handwriting to create a final copy of
your work. You may want to include illustrations. Consider these options for
sharing your story:
1 Bind your story together with those of your classmates to create
a class literary magazine.
2 Turn your story into a readers’ theater script. Perform it with a
group of classmates.
3 Post a copy of your story on a school or class website. Invite
readers to comment or share their own stories.