Page 187 - G5.1_M1-5
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26 “That’s nothing,” the volcanologists said. They pointed out how underlying
the jungle all around the mountain were signs of massive ancient pyroclastic
flows . “That’s all ash from the last eruption.” The helicopter turned, and the
widespread devastation once wrought by this volcano became impossible to
miss. The general stared silently out the window as the helicopter headed back
to the base.
27 Finally, he turned to his second in command. “Do it tomorrow,” he said.
6 pyroclastic flows: fast-moving flows of hot gas and rock
widespread If something is widespread, it happens
over a large area or among many people.
“ Volcanoes don’t necessarily move
from deep sleep to violent eruption
in a straight, orderly progression.”
Mount Pinatubo steams behind an air force helicopter.