Page 194 - G5.1_M1-5
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70 The volcanologists quickly grabbed what they could, piled into trucks, and
tore off. That is, until they merged with hordes of evacuating Filipinos. “It was
a huge, slow-moving traffic jam of everybody with a water buffalo strolling
out of town,” says Andy. “We were going crazy with the delay, but at least we
were headed away from the volcano.”
71 But Andy, the other volcanologists, and the villagers managed to escape
with their lives.
72 The eruption of Mount Pinatubo was the second largest eruption in the
twentieth century. A few hundred people died, most in buildings that later
collapsed under the weight of rain-soaked ash. But more than 20,000 lives
were saved. “We got it right,” Andy said. “We questioned ourselves and
doubted ourselves as things unfolded, but we got it right.”
This ash-covered news box
on Clark Air Base tells the
story of the headline.