Page 200 - G5.1_M1-5
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As you watch Between the Glacier and the Sea: The Alaska Earthquake, think about how
the video uses sound and visual elements to explain events and experiences. How do
the narration and the animations work together to clarify why the earthquake
happened? Do the earthquake survivors’ descriptions make the video stronger? Why
or why not? Take notes in the space below.
Listen for the Critical Vocabulary words prior, magnitude, literally, and maintenance,
and for clues to the meaning of each word. Take notes in the space below about how
the words are used in the video.
prior Prior means coming before, in time or order.
magnitude Magnitude refers to the size of something.
literally If you say something literally happened, that means it actually happened, and you aren’t
exaggerating or using a metaphor.
maintenance The maintenance of something is the act of caring for it and repairing it when needed.