Page 244 - G5.1_M1-5
P. 244

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           Big Idea

                                       Words About Settling the West

                                       The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this module.
                                       Which words about settling the West have you seen before? Which words are new to


                                       Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 245 by writing synonyms, antonyms, and
                                       related words and phrases for each word about settling the West.

                                       After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary Network
                                       and keep building it. Add more boxes if you need to.

                                             WORD                  MEANING                   CONTEXT SENTENCE

                                         native           A person, animal, or plant that   Sunflowers are native to the
                                         (adjective)      is described as native to a    northern regions in the
                                                          place was born in that place.  United States.

                                         epic             An epic event is very large    Thousands of workers faced
                                         (adjective)      and impressive, and            great danger during the epic
                                                          sometimes heroic.              construction of the Egyptian

                                         midland          The middle of a country is     Many pioneers began their
                                         (noun)           sometimes called the           journey west at
                                                          midland.                       Independence, Missouri, in
                                                                                         America’s midland.

                                         victory          When you achieve a victory,    Reaching the end of the long
                                         (noun)           you overcome a challenge or    and difficult tournament was
                                                          win against a competitor.      a victory for the winning
                                                                                         soccer team.

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