Page 98 - G5.1_M1-5
P. 98

                                                    September 7


                                             28     They birth in the air.
                                             29     One after another, one of the creatures—a female I now realize—
                                                 would soar to a great altitude, seven thousand feet or so. I increased my
                                                 lift so I could rise with them and keep watch. The female put her head to
                                                 the wind and angled her wings so she was hovering. Then something
                                                 dropped from her hindquarters. It happened so quickly all I was aware of
                                                 was a small dark bundle plunging away from her. At first I thought it was
                                                 merely her droppings. But I quickly realized it was too large. And the

                                                 female’s behavior was most curious. Immediately she went into a dive too,
                                                 keeping pace with the falling object.
                                             30     The object wobbled in the air and seemed to enlarge, even as it fell past
                                                 me. It was spreading its wings. It was no bigger than a kitten, but its
                                                 wings, as they unfurled, were many times the width of its body. Out went
                                                 the wings, instinctively angled so that the newborn’s plunge began to slow
                                                 dramatically. After a moment or two I saw the wings lift and push
                                                 tentatively, then again, and again, each time with more force.

                                             31     It was flying.
                                             32     From the moment of birth, it knew how. How could such a thing be
                                                 possible? Incredible! But then, does not the newborn whale, born into the
                                                 element of water, know instantly how to swim? Why could it not be so
                                                 with this creature, then? Only air and not water was its element.

                                             33     The mother flew close alongside its child, as if giving advice,
                                                 monitoring its progress.
                                             34     I watched more females make the climb to the birthing altitude and
                                                 then release their newborns into the air.

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