Page 193 - SB_G1.5_M9-10_Flip
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                   Fay and the Dragon

                   READ  Underline who the characters are. Describe them.

                      “Please help me!” cried a sad voice from                                                 Close Reading Tip

                   the branches of a tree by Fay’s house. “I’m                                                 Is your prediction

                   so stuck!” said the voice with a tremble.                                                   right so far? If
                                                                                                               not, think about
                      Fay looked up into the big teary eyes of a                                               the genre and

                   huge dragon! “I’ll help you get down. Then                                                  make a new
                   come home with me and be my new pet!”

                                                   CHECK MY UNDERSTANDING

                       How does the dragon feel? Why?

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