Page 52 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 52

Lesson  13

               Hooked on Games

                                                  Many  young people  these days are  hooked  on
                                                games. Everywhere you go in Korea and in any part
                                                of  the  world,  you  see  youngsters  spending  most

                                                of  their  time  inside  “pc  bangs”  playing  computer

                                                games, online, in a network or just in a single-player
                                                campaign. In fact, for some people, pc gaming is a

                                                profession and the so called “pro gamers” earn big
               bucks. The Korean gaming industry has contributed to this mania by making

               some highly addictive games of different genres, strategy, first person shoot-
               ers, Sims, RPG etc. The industry is booming and game mania is spreading like

               forest fire. But most of the older generations frown on this gaming. They think

               that it’s a curse of modernity. They think that the youth should spend all their
               time inside the classroom, not in the game room. But other people disagree,

               claiming that games can serve as a great tool for learning.


               1. What are the different genres of computer games?
               2. What are the different views of people on computer games?


               1. What do you think about video games?
               2. Do you know anyone who is addicted to computer games

                                                   Vocabulary & Expressions

                         Hooked: To cause to become addicted
                         Campaign: a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose
                         Mania: excessive excitement or enthusiasm
                         Booming: To grow, develop, or progress rapidly
                         Curse: the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc.
                         Big bucks: a lot of money
                         Spreading like forest fire: spreading very fast

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