Page 83 - PowerE-L05-D
P. 83
Reading Comprehension
Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. What does the expression ‘caught with the pants down’?
A. being caught at an embarrassing moment
B. being caught at a very dramatic moment
C. being caught at one’s most depressed moment
2. How are TV spoofs being taken?
A. With the use of scripted acts
B. with the use of hidden cameras and sensitive microphones
C. with the use of personal cameras
3. What specific prank was given as an example in the passage?
A. a naughty woman seducing a stranger
B. a stranger following a good-looking woman
C. a good-looking woman calling many men.
4. When does the watching public laugh hilariously?
A. when the victim of the prank starts acting out of control
B. when the victim of the prank finds out that everything is just a
C. when he sees the hidden camera
5. True or False: Gag shows should make sure that the practical
jokes are not offensive.