Page 191 - G6.1_M1-5
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bulbs, he rigged up a series of flashing lights, and went to bed. Soon
there were 7 households in his community using his “lion lights.”
5 Now households across Kenya use lion lights and protect their livestock
from predators and their crops from elephants.
6 As for the future, he says, “One year ago I was just a boy herding my
father’s cows. Now I want to be an engineer and pilot.”
7 I asked him if he’s worried the lions will figure out that moving lights do
not necessarily mean someone is watching the cows.
8 “Maybe they’ll figure out,” he tells me. “But if they figure out, I’ll get
another way, because that’s what I do.”
household A household is all the people who live together in a house.
livestock Livestock are animals, such as cattle and sheep, which are kept on a farm.