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               Sacajawea                                        Paul Revere’s Ride                                         myNotes

               by Joseph Bruchac, page 263                      by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, page 279
               Expedition from present-day North Dakota         Urgent mission from Boston to Lexington,
               to Pacific Ocean, on foot                        Massachusetts, on horseback
               Miles: about 1,400                               Miles: 18
               Flying Time: about 3 hours                       Driving Time: about 30 minutes
               Driving Time: about 21 hours                     Riding Time on Horseback: about 90 minutes
               Walking Time: about 55 days, walking 8 hours per day                     Mystic (Medfor d)
                                                                                        Mystic (Medford)
              PACIFIC                                                      Menotomy              Boston Harbor
              OCEAN                            Missouri   River            (Arlington)    Paul Revere House
                                                                                          Paul Rever
                                                                                                e House
                                               Missouri   River
                Oregon                            Bismar c k,                             Museum, Boston
                 coast  Columbia River          North Dakota
                                                North Dakota
                 coast Columbia River
                                                                American patriot Paul Revere’s
                                                                famous 1775 ride from Boston’s
                            Shoshone guide Sacajawea            North End to Lexington was not
                             lived in a small Native            long, but his mission—to warn
                              American village in present-      his fellow patriots that the British
                              day North Dakota when she         were coming—was important.
                              joined American explorers         START Boston’s Paul Revere House museum
                              Meriwether Lewis and              END Lexington Common
                            William Clark in 1805 on their
                          quest to find a waterway to           Jason and the
                     the Pacific Ocean. Today, that village is
               part of a small metropolitan area near           Golden Fleece
               Bismarck, the capital city of North Dakota.      Greek myth, page 245
               START present-day Bismarck, North Dakota         Sea quest from Pelion, Thessaly, Greece
               END The Oregon coast                             to Colchis in Eurasia
                                                                Miles: about 1,300
                                                                Flying Time: about 2.5 hours
                                                                Sailing Time: about 6 days by yacht
                                                                                Black Sea
                                                                   Mt. Pelion,
                                                                   Mt. Pelion,
                                                                     Greeceeece                       Caspian Sea
                                                                 Mediterranean Sea
                                                                   Mythical hero Jason and his band of
                                                                   Argonauts embark on a quest to find the
                                                                   legendary Golden Fleece. To the ancient
                                                                   Greeks, the land of Colchis—Jason’s
                                                                 destination—lay beyond the edge of the
                                                                known world. Today, Colchis is the country
                                                                of Georgia, where Europe and Asia meet.
                                                                START Mount Pelion, Greece
                                                                END present-day Georgia, in Eurasia

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