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P. 93

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                Respond                                                                                                   THEFT
              to the Text                                                                                                     by Gary Soto
                                                                                                                              ¡llustrated by Kavel Rafferty
                             Collaborative Discussion

                             Look back at what you wrote on page 84. Tell a partner two things that
                             interested you about the characters in the story. Then work with a group                                        85
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                             to discuss the questions below. Refer to details and examples in Identity
                             Theft to explain your answers. Take notes for your responses. When you
                             speak, use your notes.

                               1  Skim page 86. How do you know that popularity is important to the
                                  original Ana? Find examples in the reading.

                                                                                                                Listening Tip

                                                                                                                Listen for the specific

                                                                                                                details the speaker
                                                                                                                uses to answer a
                                                                                                                question. Which

                               2  Reread page 88. Which words and phrases in the passage about the              details or examples
                                  spelling bee refer to a contest or a battle? Why do you think the             can you add?

                                  author chose these words?

                                                                                                                Speaking Tip

                                                                                                                Wait for your group’s
                                                                                                                leader to call on
                                                                                                                you. Then, speak
                               3  Skim pages 86 and 88. The character Peter appears several times               clearly and make

                                  within the text. How is Peter part of the conflict in the plot of             eye contact with
                                  Identity Theft?                                                               each member of
                                                                                                                your group.

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