Page 171 - SB_G2.4_M7-8_Flip
P. 171

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                  Reading                                                                                                     Jackie
                                                                                                                              and the
                                                                                                                              by Lori Mortensen
                                                                                                                             illustrated by Ben Scruton

                                                                                                                     2re_se_m8_jackie.indd   161  12/13/2017   4:00:16 AM

                               Use details from Jackie and the Beanstalk to answer these

                               questions with a partner.

                               1.  Make Connections  How are Jackie and the Beanstalk and

                                     Jack and the Beanstalk alike? How are they different?

                               2.  Why do you think Jackie’s father lets her get a cow for a pet?

                                     What causes him to change his mind about it?

                               3.  What problem does Jackie have after she climbs the

                                     beanstalk? How does she solve it?

                                        Talking Tip

                                        Share your ideas. Speak clearly and not too fast or

                                        too slow.

                                        I think that          .

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