Page 61 - SB_G2.4_M7-8_Flip
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                 my bike

                                Scooter                               James                                       my friend Lucas

                   Make a Me Map!

                   READ  How does the picture help you understand how to make a Me Map?

                      A Me Map is not like other maps. A Me Map is a map of
                                                                                                               Close Reading Tip
                   YOU. It tells about who you are and what is important to you.
                                                                                                               Put a ? by the parts
                   Follow the steps to make a Me Map:                                                          you have questions

                   1. First, draw a picture of yourself in the center of a blank sheet

                   of paper using crayons, colored pencils, or markers. Write your

                   name below your picture.

                                                     CHECK MY UNDERSTANDING

                       What did you do when you came to a part you didn’t understand?

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