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                                                                                                                            Why We Celebrate
                 to the                                                                                                    the  Fourth   July
                             Collaborative Discussion

                             Work with a group to discuss the questions below. Refer to
                             details and examples in Why We Celebrate the Fourth of July to                            3re_se_m3_fourthjuly.indd   245  2/19/2018   7:53:28 PM
                             support your ideas. Take notes for your responses and use

                             them as you speak. During the discussion, listen actively by

                             paying attention to the speakers.
                                                                                                                Listening Tip

                               1  What was the reason for writing the Declaration of                            Listen to make sure
                                  Independence?                                                                 the speaker is
                                                                                                                staying on topic. If

                                                                                                                the discussion
                                                                                                                seems to be going

                                                                                                                in the wrong
                                                                                                                direction, ask

                                                                                                                questions to move
                               2  What are some of the ideas stated in the Declaration of
                                  Independence?                                                                 it back on topic.

                                                                                                                Speaking Tip

                                                                                                                When it is your turn

                               3  Why is the Fourth of July sometimes called America’s                          to speak, the ideas
                                  birthday?                                                                     you share should

                                                                                                                be about the topic
                                                                                                                you are discussing.

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