Page 346 - Into_G3.1_M1-5(ST)
P. 346

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                                          8  (MOTHER GRIZZLY moves to stage left; the CUBS move to
                                             stage right, while playing and pushing each other. A

                                             berry bush appears.)

                                          9  OLDER BROTHER: Look at these berries. (He picks and
                                             eats them greedily.) They are so sweet. Taste them!

                                          10  YOUNGER BROTHER: We should take them back to
                                             Mother. (When OLDER BROTHER ignores him, the
                                             younger cub begins eating berries, too. Suddenly, he
                                             rubs his stomach.) I have eaten too many!

                                          11  OLDER BROTHER: We will bring some back later. Oh,
                                             I am full, too.

                                             (Pointing—) Let’s see what is downriver.

                                          12  YOUNGER BROTHER (Worried ): We are not supposed
                                             to go there.

                                          13  OLDER BROTHER (Taunting, starts off ): I see only the
                                             river and trees and stones. What is there to fear?

                                          14  (After a moment’s hesitation, YOUNGER
                                             BROTHER follows.)

                                          15  YOUNGER BROTHER (Rubbing his eyes): I’m tired. The
                                             hot sun and my full belly make me want to sleep.

                                          16  OLDER BROTHER (Yawning): A nap would be good.

                                               greedily  When you do something greedily, you take more than
                                               you need.
                                               hesitation  A hesitation is a pause that shows you are unsure about
                                               doing something.

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