Page 81 - SB_G1.1_M1-2-Q-Middle
P. 81

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                                                                                                                        Big Dilly ’ s T ale

                        WRITE  Now write sentences to describe

                        what Dilly is like and why he does the things

                                                                                                                            by  Gail  Carson  Levine
                                                                                                                            illustrated  by  Jui  Ishida
                        he does. Remember to:                                                                        1re_se_m1_bigdilly.indd   69  11/28/2017   8:49:13 AM

                        • Use words that tell how Dilly looks, sounds,

                           and acts. Tell why he acts that way.

                        • Put a period at the end of each sentence.

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