Page 50 - News_Speech-World
P. 50

ModeL aNswer   자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.

        Short        Q     Can you explain this article’s main idea?
        TALK         A     This article is about Warren Buffett and Bill Gates launching

                           a donation project named “Giving Pledge,” which some
                           wealthy people are participating in.
                     Q     According to the article, how many donors does the project
                           have now?
                     A     The article says 57 people made pledges to give up their
                     Q     Who are the well-known people who have made a pledge?
                     A     Public figures from various industries, such as media, film,
                           and business, pledged contributions.

        Long         도입  I think the wealthy people are motivated to donate for two
        TALK               main reasons.

                     이유1  First, they are eager to be acknowledged by others for their
                           giving to charity. The rich often get pressure to give back
                           what they have to the community. Through their donations,
                           they can lighten the burden of social responsibility and get
                           some practical benefits, such as tax savings.
                     이유2  Second, they donate because they feel fulfilled by helping
                           others. In other words, people do feel better about
                           themselves when they share part of their fortune.
                     마무리 In a nutshell, people help themselves by helping others.

                           저는 부호들이 두 가지 주된 이유에서 기부의 동기를 얻게 된다고 생각합니다.
                           우선, 그들은 자선 단체에 기부한 것에 대해 다른 사람들에게 인정을 받고
                           싶어하는 열망이 있죠. 부자들은 그들이 가진 것을 사회에 환원해야 한다는
                           압박을 자주 받습니다. 기부를 통해 그들은 사회적 책임에 대한 부담을 덜고
                           절세 같은 실질적 혜택도 챙길 수 있지요.
                           두 번째로, 다른 사람들을 도움으로써 충족감을 느끼므로 기부합니다. 즉
                           사람들은 재산의 일부를 나눌 때 스스로를 더 나은 사람이라고 느끼는 것이죠.
                           결론적으로, 사람들은 다른 사람들을 도움으로써 스스로를 돕고 있습니다.

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