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TOPIC 19  페이스북 vs. 구글, 승자는 누구?
        facebook vs. Google:

        who will win?

        선풍적인 인기로 영향력이 커진 페이스북이 이제 구글의 아성에 도전장을 내밀며 1위를 노리고 있다는
        소식입니다. IT 업계 두 거물의 경쟁 양상을 잘 들어 보세요.

        Pre-study               These days, it’s hard to find someone who does not
                             use Facebook. According to a study, the number of
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           people using Facebook grows larger every day, and
                             Facebook users spend more time on the site than on
        뉴스 듣기
                             Google sites. And now, it is set to conquer Google,
                             which is the only thing on the Internet bigger than
                             Facebook. Facebook has been adding new features that
                             challenge Google’s dominance, including its own email
                             service and a “Facebook Questions” section.
                                Both companies are based in California, which has
                             caused competition between the two firms to hire and
                             retain the best employees. Google recently raised the
                             salary of every employee by 10 percent to prevent its
                             workers from moving to Facebook.

       •be set to do ~할 준비가 되다
       •conquer 정복하다
       •feature 특색, 기능
       •challenge 도전하다
       •dominance 지배, 우세
       •be based in
         ~에 본사를 두다, 근거를 두다
       •competition 경쟁
       •retain 보유하다
       •raise the salary
         임금을 인상하다
       •prevent sb from ~ing
         ~가 …하는 것을 막다
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