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                             Collaborative Discussion

                             Look back at what you wrote on page 18. Tell a partner two things you                      CHRISTO  AND  JEANNE-CLAUDE
                                                                                                                        THROUGH THE GATES  AND BEYOND
                                                                                                                               JAN GREENBERG  AND SANDRA JORDAN
                             learned from the text. Then work with a group to discuss the questions                                          19
                                                                                                                       5re_se_m6_christo.indd   19  3/6/2018   1:34:53 AM
                             below. Look for details in Christo and Jeanne-Claude to support your
                             ideas. In your discussion, cite specific details from the text and
                             summarize key points.

                               1  Review pages 20–23. Why did it take 26 years for The Gates to be
                                  approved? What challenges did the artists have to overcome?
                                                                                                                Listening Tip

                                                                                                                Listen to each

                                                                                                                speaker’s ideas and
                                                                                                                think about how they
                                                                                                                connect to important

                                                                                                                points in the text.
                               2  Reread page 29. What happened to The Gates after the project
                                  ended? What does it show about the artists’ motives?

                                                                                                                Speaking Tip

                                                                                                                Build on other

                                                                                                                speakers’ ideas by
                               3  What does the text tell you about the two artists and their reasons           quoting or

                                  for making The Gates?                                                         summarizing related
                                                                                                                points from the text.

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