Page 47 - SB_G5.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 47


                               His music flew free and his rhythm was so contagious that

                               every musician, even the cats in Joe Oliver’s band, wanted to
                               follow his style. It was as if I was part of Louis’ n’ he was part of

                               me. My sound was his voice. I, me, the horn, was Louis. Sound
                               crazy? No, that’s why we weren’t just buddies. We were brothers.
                            9     His music set everyone in a fever. And Joe Oliver’s ears grew

                               as large as an elephant’s as he listened to Louis play his cornet.
                            10    It wasn’t long before Joe Oliver said, “You’re in, Louis. I’ll

                               give you a dollar a night.”

                                      contagious  If a feeling is contagious, it spreads quickly among people.
                                      fever  A fever is a feeling of great excitement.

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