Page 135 - BenchMark_5-2
P. 135
Reading Skill: Cause and Effect The cause in a passage is the reason
that something happens. The effect
is a result that happens due to the
Complete the table with the correct sentences. cause.
Cause Effect
b People do not need to farm, hunt, .
1. The sky is made of food.
or fish. .
2. Some greedy people take big pieces c Sky thinks that people are wasting .
of the sky but eat just a little. its gifts. .
3. The greedy people do not listen to d Sky decides to take the sun, the .
Sky and do what they want. moon, and the clouds with him. .
4. a The king begs Sky to . Sky decides to leave but to let the sun, the
reconsider. . moon, and the clouds be near the earth.
a The king begs Sky to reconsider.
b People do not need to farm, hunt, or fish.
c Sky thinks that people are wasting its gifts.
d Sky decides to take the sun, the moon, and the clouds with him.
Unit 4 | Why the Sky Is Far Away