Page 171 - BenchMark_5-2
P. 171

Reading Skill: Opinion and Supporting Details

                                                                                                                                          An opinion is what the writer of the passage
      Complete the table with the correct phrases.                                                                                        thinks or feels about something. The
                                                                                                                                          supporting details are the facts and the other
                                                              How to Solve Waste Problems                                                 information that the person provides to
                                                                                                                                          explain why he or she has a specific opinion.
                                         Opinion 1                                                                                  Opinion 2

         Reduce the amount of waste.                                                                Recycle                            used materials                                  .

                                Supporting details                                                                         Supporting details

         1. Plastics do not  break down easily                                               .      1.                    Recycling paper                                      and

                                                                                           .              cardboard saves trees.

         2. Plastics contain harmful chemicals.                                                     2. Recycling plastic and metal makes

                                                                                                          good use of materials.

                                                                                                    3. Food scraps  help gardens grow                                                   .

                             break down easily                                                                     used materials

                             help gardens grow                                                                     recycling paper

                                                                                                                                          Unit 5 | Opinions About Waste
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