Page 226 - BenchMark_5-2
P. 226

The Pyramids at Giza

                                                                                                                                           n. an ancient king of Egypt
                                                                     A pyramid sat on top of a pharaoh’s

                                                             n. the place where a dead person is buried
                                                               grave. It protected the pharaoh’s

                                                      n. the preserved body of a dead person                              n. items that belong to a person
                                                               mummy and goods after his death.
                                                               mumm                 y                   goo        ds

                                                                                                                     n. the seat on which a king or queen sits
                                                               When a pharaoh took the throne, he

                                                               immediately began constructing his

                                                               pyramid. The pyramids may also have

                                                               had something to do with sun worship.

                                                               Their sides look like the sun’s rays.

                                                                                                                                            Unit 7 | The Pyramids at Giza
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