Page 125 - BR_5-1
P. 125

Reading Skill: Making Inferences

                                                                                                                Making inferences requires the students to read a passage
      Complete the table with the correct phrases.                                                              and then to understand what the author is implying in the
                                                                                                                text. So they must understand the unstated information in

                                     Statement                                                                  the passage that the author only hints at.

        1. Chamomile and Honey look                                                                       Chamomile and Honey are worried                                                .

              everywhere for the little squirrel.                                                          about the little squirrel                                                    ..

        2. Chamomile sees the little squirrel’s                                                           The little squirrel is somewhere near                                          .

              favorite fruit near the riverbank.                                                           the river                                                                    ..

        3. The little squirrel seems to be sick                                                           The little squirrel ate a lot of the                                           .

              when Chamomile and Honey find                                                                fruit

              him.                                                                                                                                                                      ..

        4. The little squirrel feels better after                                                         Chamomile, Honey, and the little

              eating the leaf and is not mad now.                                                         squirrel will all become good friends                                         ..

                ate a lot of the fruit                                                         are worried about the little squirrel

                is somewhere near the river                                                    will all become good friends

                                                                                                                                    Unit 4 | Chamomile Saves the Day
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