Page 190 - BR_5-1
P. 190

Reading Skill: Classify and Categorize

                                                                                                                            Classify and categorize involves putting
      Complete the table with the correct sentences.                                                                        individual details into groups. This allows people

                                                                                 Uses of Plants                             to see both the similarities and the differences
                                                                                                                            between various things.

                             Paper                                                  Plant fibers                                                   Medicines

       • Books can be made by                                        • b    Cotton can be used to                            . •      a   Garlic is capable of                             .

          processing parts of trees.                                        make sheets and                                  .            killing germs.                                   .

                                                                            towels.                                          .                                                             .

       • d     This plant product can                          . •      e   People use linen to make                                  c   People say that ginger                           .
                                                                                                                             . •
               be used to make                                 .            clothing, handkerchiefs,                         .            can calm an upset                                .

               furniture and bags.                             .            and tablecloths.                                 .            stomach.                                         .

             a    Garlic is capable of killing germs.

            b     Cotton can be used to make sheets and towels.

             c    People say that ginger can calm an upset stomach.

            d     This plant product can be used to make furniture and bags.

             e    People use linen to make clothing, handkerchiefs, and tablecloths.

                                                                                                                                                          Unit 6 | Useful Plants
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