Page 255 - BR_5-1
P. 255

Reading Skill: Author’s Point of View

      Complete the table with the correct phrases.                                                                The author’s point of view refers to the opinion of the
                                                                                                                  author on the topic that is being written about. In an
                                                                                                                  opinion essay, the author will always provide a point of
                                                                                                                  view and will also provide facts to defend his/her
                                  Text evidence                                                                   opinion.

        1. Burning fossil fuels releases

              carbon dioxide.                                                                                                      Author’s point of view

        2. Factories, power plants, and cars                                                                                We should  use fossil fuels                                  .

               send harmful emissions into                                                .                                   less         to keep the earth

               the air                                                                   .                                  clean.

        3. The spilled oil polluted the water.

              It also                   killed sea animals                                 .          killed sea animals

                                                                                         .            use fossil fuels less

                                                                                                      send harmful emissions into the air

                                                                                                                                   Unit 8 | Problems with Fossil Fuels
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