Page 16 - PowerE-L01-B
P. 16
Lesson 07
How do you like your new job?
* Dialogue
A: Hi, Tony. How’s it going?
B: Nothing much. I just got a new job in a hotel.
A: Really? How do you like your new job?
B: It’s really exciting, but I don’t like the manager.
He grumbles all the time.
A: That's too bad. What hotel do you work for?
B: Plaza Hotel.
A: That's funny. My brother works there, too.
B: Oh, that's interesting. What does he do?
A: Actually, he's the manager!
* Expressions
- How do you like your new job?
= How are you doing with your new job?
= How’s your new job?
Vocabulary &
- He grumbles all the time. grumble
all the time
= He always complains.
= He’s constantly complaining.
= He’s always dissatisfied.
= He’s full of complaints.