Page 139 - SB_G4.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 139
70 CAPTAIN: That’s what I’m trying to tell you. She isn’t there. She’s gone!
71 KING: Gone?
72 SPRING (Stepping through downstage window): Did you want to see
me? (She smiles at KING.)
73 KING (Dropping to his knees before her): Can you forgive a foolish
man the greatest mistake of his life?
74 SPRING (Extending her hand to him and bidding him to rise): A
foolish man you have been—to think that you, or any other man or
woman, could command the forces of nature at your will. Did you really
believe that dungeon doors or iron chains could keep Spring from
walking your land?
75 KING (Contritely): I was foolish. Now I know better.
76 SPRING: Spring is a yearly miracle of nature, as constant as the moon
and the stars. Planting time and harvest time, summer and winter, day
and night—these must always come.
77 KING: What can I do to earn your forgiveness?