Page 20 - SB_G4.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 20

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                                                            1  Not so long ago the world was a little slower. A little
                                                               simpler. And a whole lot quieter.

                                                            2     No airplanes roaring overhead. No cars rumbling down roads.
                                                               No phones ringing in pockets.

                                                            3     Then things began to change because of two curious boys,
                                                               Thomas and Henry.

                                                            4     And one secret.
                                                            5     Young Thomas got into trouble. A lot.
                                                            6     It always started with an “experiment.” He just had to
                                                               see how things worked.
                                                            7     Thomas was curious about chemistry. He mixed up colorful
                                                               potions in his basement, but explosions shook
                                                               the house night and day.

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