Page 49 - SB_G4.2_M6-10_Flip
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4 Hamilton talked to two friends who Wheelchair Sports
made hang gliders. She persuaded them
to build her a new wheelchair using hang- Wheelchair sports can be very
competitive and very demanding.
glider technology. An aluminum frame
made it strong, but light; it was half the Elite wheelchair athletes have an
weight of her regular chair, and she could awesome level of fitness, skill, and
really move in it. It even looked good. In upper body strength. Wheelchair
fact, the only thing that stopped it from basketball is very similar to stand-up
basketball. Rules are adapted for
being absolutely perfect was that it was
blue; she would have preferred yellow. wheelchairs. For example, only two
5 Hamilton and her friends knew they pushes are allowed before a player
were on to something. Hamilton couldn’t must dribble the ball. Wheelchair
be the only one out there looking for a rugby was developed by a group of
Canadian athletes whose reduced
lighter, speedier chair. They formed a
company to make and sell “Quickie” arm and hand functions didn’t allow
wheelchairs and specialized in meeting them to compete equally in basketball.
the needs of athletes. The company The objective is to carry the ball over
was hugely successful. the opponents’ goal line.
specialized If a company specialized in elite Elite members of a group are those who
something, it provided a specific type of product. are the best or most skilled.
objective An objective is a goal.